苹果6s是一款非常流行的智能手机,然而有时候我们可能会忘记自己的Apple ID账号密码,这可能会导致一些使用上的困扰。如果你也面临着苹果6s忘记ID账号密码的问题,不要担心,本文将为你提供解决办法。无论你是丢失了密码,还是遇到其他登录问题,我们将为你提供一些实用的解决方案来帮助你恢复并重新使用你的苹果6s手机。
演示机型:iPhone 6s
If you forget your ID account password for your iPhone 6s, there is a creative way to solve this problem. Follow the steps below:
Step 1: Open the Apple website and enter your ID account.
Step 2: Reset your password by clicking “Reset Password” on the new page.
Step 3: Select “Get an email” and click “Next” on the redirected page.
Step 4: Click “Done” to complete the process.
Step 5: Open your QQ email and follow the instructions in the email to change your ID password.
By following these simple steps, you can easily reset the ID password for your iPhone 6s.
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