

“For most , work sucks, but it doesn’t have to.”


That’s from Bock, who heads up at , more than 50,000 in 70 the world.这句话出自谷歌高管拉兹洛·博克,他管理着全球70间办公室里的5万多名员工。

Bock spoke with The ’s and how to get hired at the , which is as one of the best to work.


What’s the one thing that would kill ’s of hired?


There are no hard and fast rules, but some , like typos in your . if you’re a non- .这倒没有什么铁律。但一些小事,比如简历上的错别字,会影响录取。除非你不是用母语写简历。

We used to care about what you went to. We don’t . We found it doesn’t . How you do on the .我们过去注重应聘者的母校,但现在已经不这么做了。我们发现这并不能预测面试者未来的表现,而面试时回答问题的表现能。

What are some that any can do?


We give five with full pay: , bonus, stock. If you have more than 10 or 20 you can do this.我们提供5个月全薪产假,包括工资、奖金和股票。如果你手下有超过10个或20个员工,你也可以这样做。

We used to do 12 weeks of , and women who came back from leave quit at twice the rate of men. Now it’s the same as men. 曾经我们的产假是12周,只支付工资。那时,休完产假的女员工的离职率是男员工的2倍。现在,离职率已经下降到和男性员工一样了。

On the face of it, you’re two of a ’s time. But can pick up the slack. 表面上,你损失了员工2个月的工作时间。但其他人能够补上缺口。

What’s the case for well?


The line is you sleep well at night by the way you want to be .底线就是己所不欲勿施于人,这样晚上才能睡的香。

You can only get so far by at and . A lot of what [ ] do . 大声责骂和严格管理走不太远。许多谷歌员工工作时都有自主选择的空间。

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