




The of

is the of of years of of the . As of China, it is of great for to learn .

, can the and of since is the in the long-term of the . , has the use of moral to ‘s realm, which is very to the of ‘ and moral . , for self- and being is parts of , which plays a role in a and life among .

In short, as the of the of the and the of the of the , it is of great for to learn .






The of

At , the for most in China is , and in , is . , has many for .

, can ’ . It can help the and of , the of local , and the and of . , can relax ’ mood. out of and the with a happy mood, can fully relax their and minds. , can ’ body. the , or , , and and so on, all need to be done on foot, which is the best time for who sit at their desks for a long time to their .

In short, can not only ’ , and relax their minds, but also their .






of a Good Habit

life is the first stage in life for to live on their own by their side. , some seems much more in this . From my , among so many , a good habit plays an role in one’s .

to say, have spent many years on study, but a good habit is still in . First, a good habit can save the of time and the . Thus can use the time to the . , a good habit can make it to . With the and prime , can their goals in which will lay a solid for their life.

In a word, a good habit ’ and them a lot. Only in this way can they lead a and life.








in China, the game “go” is one of the “four arts”, along with the qin , and . It came into being more than 4,000 years ago, than the chess. Later, it to Japan, South Korea and and . Now, it has an chess game. Weiqi the rich of and is the of . Today, Weiqi has a , and is loved by the vast of chess .



Kunqu , also known as Kunju , is an type of opera. It in , , and to its form at the end of the Yuan . It was in its prime in the of more than 200 years from the era of in the Ming to the era of in the Qing , which time most of the were in the Kunqu style. Kunqu is by its and , as well as its and . It of , and is seen as the of opera.


中国幅员辽阔,气候和风俗各异。而由于气候不尽相同,各地的口味也有所不同。正因如此, 全国各地的人们都采用了各自地区流行的传统烹饪方式。中国菜有八大菜系,且都经历了几个世纪的演变。随着不断地交流发展,这些菜系逐渐形成固定下来,而人们以概括性的地理位置来命名这些菜系。

China is a vast with and . of the . of this, the adopt the style in their . There are eight of and they all have over . With and , these have fixed, and are named after their .


农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日,称为端午节。据传,端午节是为纪念中国古代爱国诗人屈原而设立的节日。端午节的主要活动是赛龙舟,每逢端午节都有许多人去江边看赛龙舟。这是端午节不可或缺的一部分,而且已经发展成为一项兼具中国传统和现代体育精神的运动。在端午节那天民间还有吃粽子、喝雄黄酒( wine)、挂艾草等习俗。

May 5 in the lunar is a folk with a long known as the Boat . to the , it in of an poet Qu Yuan . A big event this is the boat race, which often draws large of to the river banks to . It is an part of the and has into a sport both the and . Boat also other folk , such as , wine and on the door .



A fan is both a tool for down in hot and a form of art. Fan is in the of the Han and is an part of that. Fans in the Shang and Zhou . , it was not until the Han that they were in ’s daily life. There are many kinds of fans and the of fans tend to be in the of .

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