

1. What to do you make?



[When was to be ,] we of and told our to it, even it was in GAAP [ ]. We felt that it was .









We crazy to . So, we’re to tell you when we think there’s data that is more than GAAP .


Not of as an is crazy. I can think of a few where one could , but not many. Even with our gas , is real — you have to them and they ( this may be 100 years).


It [] is float — you lay out money you get cash. Any that doesn’t as an is in a dream world, but they’re to do so by . Many times, this comes close to a flim flam game.


want to send me books with and I say fine, as long as you pay cap ex. There are very few that can spend a lot less than and the of the .


This is . It ‘t be worse. But a whole of have been this. It’s not a non-cash — it’s a cash but you spend it first. It’s a of a cash .


We at are going to spend more this year on cap ex than we .


2. of a book on ?



I haven’t read an book in years. I think I read [?] in . I’d and like about . You need to know how are put , but also have to bring else. Read a lot of and . If I don’t it [an ], it’s the doesn’t want me to it. And if that’s the case, there’s wrong.


[CM: what good books he knows about is like him what good books he has on . You start with basic rules of , and then you have to spend a lot of time [to ]]


3. What can be done to the of of ? What can be done to the of ?



WB: It is a very tough thing。 I still lean fair value —it is hard to use, but we use cost? I think there are more when you start at that don’t of best , even if 。 I would stick with at fair value。 When you get into CDO- [ Debt -], the is 。 If you read a it of of , then 。

Then, you take a CDO and you take on a whole bunch of — put them , and in —a big error to start with。 That was 。 You had to read 15,000 pages to a CDO and 750,000 pages to one in a CDO-。 To let use the 100 cents they paid as the value the 10 cents it at in the is an 。 Fair value , mild as it may be, may keep from doing some 。

I lean the value 。 When you get , I don’t know how you value it。 , back at , I think you found one by $20 , right?


Then, you take a CDO and you take on a whole bunch of — put them , and in —a big error to start with. That was . You had to read 15,000 pages to a CDO and 750,000 pages to one in a CDO-. Fair value , mild as it may be, may keep from doing some . I lean the value . When you get , I don’t know how you value it. , back at , I think you found one by $20 , right?


CM: A lot goes on in the of which is not . A lot of got on Ayn Rand. They would hold that even an axe in a free is a wise . I think Alan did a good job on , but he on Ayn Rand, in that in a free is going to be all right. We some . If we had the , “this is a which will risk,” we would have been far off.


4. Would you on you say use to make their look good?



We a of ?“ by , and by name.?” You could say we hate the sin, but love the . So I can?’t name names of that I think are doing this kind of thing; I?’ve found that if you go , soon the comes back on you.


[CM: I don?’t think they want names – I think she?’s about the in .


That?’s , then. The to , done to out and make look good. It has among to play with the of .


has as well; I haven?’t seen tons of firms on the to stock . And I think it?’s to see it in the , the way it?’s , of the are using in the .


The of these goes like this: ?“ Why I my for not doing that will do to help ??” And the bad the norm.



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