

A man on a bench in on next to a of Bear, as the in to help curb the of the novel . [FRANK /THE PRESS]

With terms such as WFH, and self- now in , the made an to Covid-19 and words to the in its of the .

随着“WFH”(work from home,在家办公)、“保持社交距离”和“自我隔离”等词汇成为常用词,《牛津英语词典》进行了一次非常规更新,将新冠肺炎疫情相关词汇纳入其中。


The ’s Paton said that it was “a rare for to an rise in usage of a word in a very short of time, and for that word to come to , even to the of most other ”.


Covid-19has done that, and has thus been added as a new entry in the OED, where it is as “an acute in by a , which is of and death, esp. in the and with ”.



“As of a , this comes of our usual cycle,” said Paton. “But these are times, and OED , who like many are all from home … are the of the of the and a and to their usage.”


The OED’s of more than 8bn words of news found that and Covid-19, a of 2019, are now . While back in , words such as , and news, by , was use terms such as , koala, Iraqi, and . By March every word in the OED’s top 20 list of was to .


“In , the words to and the virus: , SARS, virus, human-to-human, , flu-like,” said the OED in an . “By March, the the of the virus, and the : , self- and self-, , non- (as in non- ), and are all , as are PPE and .”


The OED’s have a rise in the use of terms and new , such as PPE. The first noted usage from in 1995, but Paton notes that “the was known to very few it a way of life for so many of us”. The , for , dates back to 1977 but was “ to and ”.


, first used in 1957, “was an than a term, to an or a to from . Now we all it as a and to avoid ,” wrote Paton.



have also given rise to new . Usage of “”, or “a fatal or ”, first in 1382, not long after the in 1347 and 1351. The “self-” was first used in 1878 to the of the of Eyam in the 17th , who to the wave of “Black Death” from to .


“It is a theme of that great great , and that has never been truer than in this ,” wrote Paton.


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