1.“真正的领导者不是那些指挥别人的人,而是那些能激励别人成为领导者的人。(”True are not those who , but those who to .”)
2. “承认自己的无知是智慧的开端。”(”The first rule is that you can’t know if you just facts and try and bang ’em back. If the facts don’t hang on a of , you don’t have them in a form.”)
3. “每天起床的时候,争取变得比你昨天更聪明一点。”(”Every upon , to be wiser than you were the day .”)
4. “学习各种思维模型是你能给自己最好的礼物。”(” is the best gift you can give .”)
5.“宏观是我们必须接受的,微观才是我们能有所作为的。”(”We have to the macro, and the micro is what we can do about.”)
6. “如果我知道我会在哪里死去,那我一辈子都不会去那里。”(””If I knew where I would meet my end, I would avoid it my life.”)
7. “我这辈子遇到的聪明人(来自各行各业的聪明人)没有不每天阅读的——没有,一个都没有。沃伦读书之多,我读书之多,可能会让你感到吃惊。我的孩子们都笑话我。他们觉得我是一本长了两条腿的书。”(”I don’t know any wise (in any field of ) who doesn’t read all the time—none, zero. You’d be at how much reads—at how much I read. My laugh at me. They think I’m a book with a legs out.”)
8.“我今天的成就,靠的不是追逐平庸的机会。”(”I didn't get to where I am by .”)
9. “到了我这个年纪的时候就会发现,衡量自己成功的标准就是有多少人在真正关心你、爱你。”(” to my age, you’ll your in life by how many of the who you want to have love you do love you.”)
10. “不要过于自信,要始终保持对未知事物的敬畏。”(”Don’t be . a for the .”)
11. “学习是避免陷入人生困境的唯一途径。”(” is the sole path to life's .”)
12. “如果你想获得某样东西,最可靠的办法是让自己配得上它。”(”The way to try to get what you want is to try to what you want.”)
13. “逆向思考往往能带来意想不到的好处。”(” in is .”)
14. “在能力圈内做事。”(” the of your .”)
15.“真正的智慧在于认识到自己的局限性并努力超越它们。”(”True lies in your and to them.”)
16. “在追求目标的过程中,耐心和毅力比智商更重要。”(”In the of goals, and are more than .”)
17. “痛苦的生活源于错误的比较。”(”A life of stems from .”)
18. “智慧来自于经验的积累和对这些经验的反思。”(” is the of and upon them.”)
19. “复杂的问题往往有简单的答案。”(” often have .”)
20.“你不能让过去的错误阻碍你未来的进步。”(”Don't let past your .”)
21. “激励和惩罚都是超级反应。”(”Both and .”)
22. “理解世界的复杂性是我们走向智慧的关键。”(” the of the world is to .”)
23. “过度自信是毁灭的根源。”(” is the root of .”)
24. “真正的风险来自于不知道自己在做什么。”(”The risk lies in not what you're doing.”)
25. “成功往往青睐那些持续学习和适应变化的人。”(” often those who learn and adapt to .”)
26. “真正的智慧并非在于避免所有的错误,而是在于从错误中快速学习和成长。”(”True is not about all , but about and from them.”)
27. “要获得真正的成功,你需要先了解哪些事情会导致失败,然后避免它们。”(”To , you must first the that lead to and steer clear of them.”)
28.“真正的领导者懂得如何倾听他人的意见并从中学习。”(” know how to to ' and learn from them.”)
29. “真正的成长意味着不断超越自己,勇于尝试新事物并接受失败的可能性。”(” your , to try new , and the of .”)
30. “成功的秘诀在于对失败的深刻理解。”(”The key to lies in a of .”)
31. “你们必须掌握许多知识,让它们在你们的头脑里形成一个思维框架,在随后的日子里能自动地运用它们。”(”You’ve got to have in your head. And you’ve got to array your —both and —on this of . You may have who just try to and pound back what is . Well, they fail in and in life. You’ve got to hang on a of in your mind.”)
32.“如果因为你的特立独行而在周围人中不受欢迎……那就随他们去吧。”(”If you’re not to be for being right, then you don’t to be right.”)
33. “我不断看到有些人在生活中越过越好,他们不是最聪明的,甚至不是最勤奋的,但他们是学习机器。他们每天夜里睡觉时都比那天早晨聪明一点点。”(”I see rise in life who are not the , not even the most , but they are . They go to bed every night a wiser than they were when they got up.”)
34. “避免极端强烈的意识形态,因为它会让人们丧失理智。”(”Avoid they rob you of your .”)
35. “我认为不同人可以有不同的方式来过上成功和幸福的生活。我知道的很多成功和幸福的人,他们生活的最主要特点就是他们都有亲密的人际关系。”(”I think there are ways that can have , happy lives. A lot of the , happy I know, the main of their lives is that they’ve had close .”)
36.“人生中的每一次选择都是一次赌博,但关键是要知道你在赌什么。”(”Every in life is a bet, but the key is to know what you’re on.”)
37. “人类误判心理学是极其重要的学科,却经常被忽视。”(”The of human is a very that is .”)
38. “在98%的情况下,我们对外界的看法都是错误的。”(”We see the world, not as it is, but as we are—or, as we are to see it. When we open our to speak, it’s how often we’re just that we’ve heard else say. And the worst part of it is that we’re wrong—in 98 of our —but we never that out.”)
39. “人生中最重要的事情是理解复利的力量,以及获得它的方式。”(”The most thing in life is to the power of and the way to get it.”)
40. “如果你能摆脱自我中心的观念,你就能更好地看清世界。”(”If you can get rid of your ego, you can see the world much .”)
41.“如果你想要变得聪明,你需要不断地问‘为什么?’,‘为什么不?’以及‘如果……会怎样?’。”(”If you want to get smart, you need to keep ‘why?’, ‘why not?’, and ‘what if?’.”)
42. “我始终相信从别人那里学来的东西,在很大程度上成就了我的事业。”(”I very much in from other ’s . I think that’s me a lot in .”)
43. “如果你想要确保你的新观点被接受,那么你就需要将其与旧的观点相结合。”(”If you want to of being , you must over- with the .”)
44. “成功的秘诀在于把复杂的事情简单化。”(”The of is to the .”)
45. “要想成为一个好的决策者,你需要学会从别人的视角看问题。”(”To a good -maker, you need to learn to see from ' .”)
46. “真正的教育不在于记住多少事实,而在于学会如何思考。”(”True lies not in facts, but in how to think.”)
47. “最重要的是,要保持对生活的热爱和好奇心。”(”Most , a love for life and a sense of .”)
48. “要想在生活中取得成功,首先要学会控制自己的情绪。”(”To in life, first learn to your .”)
49.“永远不要低估简单常识的力量。”(”Never the power of sense.”)
50. “最重要的投资是你对自己的投资——在教育、技能和健康上的投资。”(”The most you can make is in – in your , , and .”)
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