




1. What’s the main idea of the first / / … ?

2. 1 / 2 / … on / is about _____.

3. What is / does the in 1 / 2 / …?

4. What is the key of the first / / … ?

5. What does the first / / … ?



1. 寻找主题句。有的文章中段落的主题句在段首或段尾。这类文章一般段内层次较为分明,多采用“总——分”或“分——总”结构。但有时主题句会出现在段落的中间,这时段落结构一般是:细节——主题——细节。要把握段落的逻辑结构,就要特别关注段落内起过渡作用的词汇,如, but, and, also, for , in , on the 等。

2. 通过关键词概括。有些段落没有明确的主题句,需要考生依据已知的细节自己归纳段落大意。这时可通过略读筛选出最能表达作者意图的关键词,进而确定作者要表达的真正意思。




1. What is the text about?

2. What’s the main idea of the text?

3. What does the in the text?

4. The text deals with _____.

5. The is about _____.

6. The the text to _____.



1. 寻找主题句。文章的主题句通常出现在文章第一段或最后一段,有些文章的主题句需要通过归纳总结每段的段落大意获得。

2. 抓住高频词。选项形式为一两个单词或一个短语时,文中被反复提到的概念或名称多是正确选项。

3. 看选项特点。正确选项通常不含表示绝对意义的词,而且不能只是概括某个细节或表述局部观点,也不能包括文章没有提及的内容。




If you could have one , what would it be?

about you would want to read minds, see walls, or have may sound silly, but it gets to the heart of what in your life.

Every day in our work, we are by the we meet doing to the world.

They have a kind of that all of us : the power to make a in the lives of .

We’re not that needs to their lives to the poor. Your lives are busy doing , , , after your . But we do think that you can live a more life when you some of your time and to much than . Find an issue you are in and learn more. or, if you can, a money to a cause. you do, don’t be a . Get . You may have the to make your when you’re older. But why not start now?

1. What does the in 5?

A. more and more to a cause.

B. above self and to help .

C. hard to get a .

D. your best to help the poor.




解答本题需运用“寻找主题句”法。本段的主题句是But we do think … than ,作者认为大家在自身之外的事上花点时间和精力会让自己过上更有影响力的生活。因此作者在本段强调的是“提升自我,行动起来帮助别人”,故选B项。


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