




On 26,1999, New York City was [1] by a . The rain the to flood and the came to stop.

, this the rush hour. Many who were going to work were to go home. Some to call a taxi or to get on a bus. Still faced[2] the storm , miles to get to work.

I to be one of on the way to work that . I went from line to line only to find that most had [3]. After my way of . I found a line that was . , there were so many to board the that I could not even get down the to the . So I took the train going in the , and then [4] back to the train. , after what like , the train my stop. Then I had to walk in the heavy rain. When I got to my . I was wet ,[5] and .

My co- and I spent most of the day off when it was 5:00 pm, I was ready to go home. I was about to turn off my when I an email from Garth, my :

I would like to thank all of you who made the and to work[6]. It is (令人欣慰), at times like these, when so show their to their jobs. Thank you.

Garth’s email was short, but I more from that brief than I ever did from a . The email me that a few words of can make a big . The and the had made me tired and upset. But Garth’s words me and put a smile back on my face[7].


[1] 的意思是“打击、袭击”;汉语中我们经常描述什么地方“发生”了地震、火灾或者洪水,但在英文中一般我们不用“”,而用具有更好表现力的“be hit with”或“be with”等表示“被袭击、被侵袭”。

[2] face在这里做动词,意思是“(毅然)应对、面对”,所以如果表达面临着的意思,应该使用“be faced with”,如:I am faced with a hard .我面临着一个艰难选择。

[3] 这句话的意思是“我从一条地铁线走到另一条地铁线,到头来却发现大部分(地铁线)都停运了”,这里指的是运输业务,是不可数名词。Only to find引导的是一个与预期相反的结果状语,详细知识可参见:不定式to do做状语的用法。

[4] 的意思是“交换,改变”,例如: and wives roles.(夫妻之间有时候应该转换一下角色)这里 back指的是“反着坐回来”。与相关的常用短语还有 on (接通电源,开用点灯、机器等), off 是其反义。

[5] be wet 的意思是“湿透”,其主语也可以是事物,如“My coat was wet ”。

[6] to work的意思是“报到上班”,相当于 for duty;的意思是“最后,终于”。

[7] 的意思是“给某人活力、让某人振作”,这句话是说“来自Garth的邮件让作者顿时振作起来,脸上又重新绽开了微笑”。另外,常做形容词使用,如,The here is . 这里的微风让人心旷神怡。



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