


The solo is an in the . But while solo is , safe, and eye-, women who take to the road alone have more to take into than men. A of of dodgy and hosts can see women to the -only floor in a hotel.


But now one peer-to-peer site has to do about that, by a sub-group to hosts and .


– a site and app to , which you to book with local – has up with Girls Love , a women-only , to “”, which will allow home- .


The will and hosts who share or in . With 350,000 of Girls Love the world, it’s a start. Other are in the works to , too.


said in a : “While cost is a key issue for , trust is even more – both for and home- hosts. This is true for .”


Girls Love Haley Woods told The :

“女生爱旅行”社区的创办人海莉 伍德兹告诉英国《独立报》:

“ the Girls LOVE , we women to go out, , and the world. The is that, when to house-swap or couch-share with a , can be a real for many of our . such as or can often be , and may delay trips due to .


“ this Girls LOVE and with a peer-to-peer to help those by a cost- to stay with they have met our . our the added of the with other , and .”

伍德兹还表示, “‘女生爱旅行’社区和‘过夜’平台达成合作,让用户利用点对点网络平台与在网络社区认识的女性同住,藉此消除她们的顾虑。这无疑是一个经济划算的方法。除此以外,‘过夜’平台也让用户从线上走到线下,建立长久的友谊。“

The also hosts to use , lower rates to from their own . says that it hosts were to drop for they have a to.


picks on the a room in West for $60, and an in for $100.


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