

prep. 到…为止;在…以前;

conj. 到…为止,在…以前;直到…才





They their would be well kept in these until they would come back to life.

He and the other did not leave until the was over.

They are not going back to work until they get it.

He doesn’t sit down until the other takes his seat.

And then they went on with their work at the empty loons until late into the night.

No more work was done on it until the ’s of China was .

二.对含有“not … until …”结构的句子进行强调时,须用it is (was )not until…that…。


It was not until she took off her dark that I she was a film star.

It was not until I saw the next , , that I felt happy.

三.如果把“it is (was )… that ….”这个强调结构的框架去掉,句子就须用倒装语序。若是一个复合句时,要倒装主句中的主谓部分。

until 与till 的区别


Until then I had known about it.

(2)在from … till … 这一词组里,用till比用until普通,但也可用until。例如:

I from till late at night.

There was a on the radio from six o′clock until a past seven.

(3)在“good—bye till …”及“up till…”中,till不能用until 替代。例如:

Yes, we can help one . Good–bye till then.

I’ve lived in the all my life up till now.


1、Until 1982 he was in at .1982年以前他一直是达勒姆大学生物系的高级讲师。

2、The laws don't take until the end of the year.交通法要到年底才生效。

3、It was not until 1911 that the first of the was .直到1911年才发现了第一种维生素。

4、I a long time until a came along that I was funny.我等了很长时间,直到出现了一个我认为真正逗趣的剧本。

5、I tell you this, I will not rest until that day has come.我可以肯定地说,不到那天我不会休息。

6、I have left my best wine until last.我把最好的酒留到了最后。



I'll work until he tells me to stop.我会一直工作到他叫我停下来为止。


She didn't go to bed until she her .她直到做完作业,才去睡觉。


Don't leave until we come back.在我们回来之前,不要离开。

We won't go home until the rain stops.我们要直到雨停了才回家。

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