得益于美国文化的全球化传播,世界范围内说英语的人们已经知晓一些奇奇怪怪的美式英语表达,如 bury the 、pass the buck 和 take a rain check,(有关11个流行表达方式的解释)。但无论看过多少好来坞电影,总还是有一些美式俚语的含义让人出其不意。让我们通过下面的十道题测试一下你对当下美语短语的理解如何。


1. If ‘ the shark’, then it:

A. of loans

B. Began a of in or

C. from a

D. Went down to for the

2. A ‘ ’ is who:

A. Is with

B. Is an early for

C. Loves done at the start of the week

D. on and after the event

3. A ‘horse of color’ would refer to:

A. An with

B. The odd one out

C. A from a state

D. A

4. who ‘ the farm’ has:

A. Died

B. Come into new

C. Paid off a

D. Made an

5. If you were to ‘lay an egg’, then you would be:

A. angry




6. A ‘Bronx cheer’ to:

A. A sound of or made by lips

B. A chant by fans of the New York

C. The sound of a car horn

D. A

7. If we need to ‘put on the dog’, then we would:

A. Chase a car

B. Be

C. Eat hot dogs for

D. in an way

8. ‘up the wazoo’ is:

A. In

B. In a

C. At the of a lake

D. In great

9. If you ‘ ’, then you would be:

A. Lying about your true

B. their back

C. and

D. with

10. A John to:

A. A ’s

B. An

C. A

D. A




1. B

Jump the shark(走下坡路)一词源于很流行的一档美剧Happy Hours,在第五季第一集的剧情里,人物去划水,并跳过了一条鲨鱼。这个剧情的设计饱受纷争,在此之后剧集质量下滑,观众人数下降。这一现象产生了这个短语,用以指代电视剧或电影情节达到某个分水岭,在此只为出奇而引入一些荒唐可笑的剧情,表明质量开始下降。

例句:It had its – some say it the shark when Niles and got – and,as with any long- show, it could get .

2. D

(事后诸葛亮,马后炮)源于美国橄榄球赛,星期日比赛后,星期一早上各家媒体会就昨日比赛做出各式批评和评论。 是橄榄球赛中的四分卫,相当于全队进攻的核心,因此球赛的评论也多是把四分卫作为焦点。该短语作为非正式的用法,比喻事后做出判断和批评,自作聪明的事后诸葛亮。

例句:I’m a sick and tired of the out there that she did wrong.

3. A

A horse of / a color 这一短语指有明显不同意义的不相关事物,即完全不是一回事。它可能是从莎士比亚喜剧《第十二夜》中的 “a horse of the same color”短语发展而来。

例句: ‘s A ,, was a horse of a .

4. A

短语 buy the farm 在美式英语中可表示“死亡”。它源于美国军事俚语,但词源学家也不能肯定其出处。这或许是在暗示某种情况,即一个农场因为军用飞机坠毁而受损,其农场主的损失将由政府承担。若是飞机遭遇致命的空难,飞行员大概会毙命。

例句: I to admit to my , even when I the farm

5. C

如果说某人 lay an egg,那就是说这个人很不成功,很失败。当然,如果是母鸡 lay an egg,那就是下了个蛋。

例句:The laid an egg with this , which ranks right up there with the worst and most they have ever .

6. A

Bronx cheer 是用嘴吹出嘘声,表示蔑视和嘲笑。Bronx 是纽约市的布朗克斯区,纽约扬基棒球队的发源地。该短语与 blow a 近义。

例句:She , a noise like a Bronx cheer. / He blew a long, loud , Bob with .

7. D

Put on the dog:(北美非正式) in a or way。如果你“表现成一只狗”,那就是说你表现出自命不凡的拽样。词源学家也不很确定这一词组的确切来源,有一些人曾认为这是源于贵妇们的“lap dog/哈巴狗”这一概念。Lap dog可指无主见、奉承和势力的人。

例句:The CEO put on the dog today as he to the ‘s users’ .

8. C

Up / out the wazoo:(北美非正式)大量的。Wazoo /wəˈzuː/一词指臀部、屁股。该词的来源无法得知。

例句:A has no at all fake I.D. up the wazoo. / You’re right, those two have out the wazoo, and Lana is off to find out why.

9. C


例句:she to go talk with the

10. A

John 为什么有签名的含义呢?John (1737-1793年)是美国的革命家和政治家。他是北美第一届和第二届大陆会议的成员,第一任大陆会议主席(1775-1777年)。美国的《独立宣言》由 起草,在第二届大陆会议上通过。John 是在《独立宣言》上第一个签字的人,且签名很大。随后“John ”就成为签名一词的代名词。

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