
2018英语四级考试翻译预测内容及参考译文 四级翻译预测

本周六(6月16日)大学英语四级考试就要开始了,考生们准备好了吗?今年的翻译词汇都掌握了吗?小编特意为考生们准备了一些英语四级翻译预测题目及参考译文,希望对考生有所帮助。下面一起来看看吧。》》》国大学英语四级六级考试网站 英语四级考试准考证打印


中国国画的根源可以追溯到新石器时代的陶器( ),比如鱼、青蛙、鹿、鸟、花、树叶的形状。最早的中国汉字是象形文字()。由于相似的工具被使用于最早期的绘画和书写,绘画被认为是与书法()有着相同的起源。这样一来,中国国画就有着一种非凡的特征,也就是说,诗意和书法被印刻()在画中,从而三者合为一体.给人们一种更加强烈的美的享受。


The roots of can be back to on ,such as of fish,frogs,deer,birds, and tree .The were .Since tools were used for the and , is said to have the same as .Thus, has an ,that is to say. or are on so that the three are , a of .


1.第一句中,“追溯到”还可以译为date back to或go back to。

2.第三句中,“被使用于”含被动含义,且此处表达过去的情况,故译为 were used for;“被认为是”还可以译为is to或is to。

3.第四句中,“这样一来”还可以译为;“也就是说”还可以译为in other words;“三者合为一体”应该使用被动语态结构,可译为the three are ;“给人们一种更加强烈的美的享受”为结果状语,故用现在分词结构作状语,可译为 a of 。


中国梦(the Dream)是中国的一个新名词。人们已经开始期待一个“梦想的国度”。因此,在中国人民的意识中,中国梦将会取代美国梦。期待“梦想国度”的中国人现在要放眼全世界。改革开放使中国发展的梦想变为现实。中国已经进入了一个新时代,在这个时代出生的每一个中国人都应该为他们的好运而感到髙兴。


The Dream is a new term in China. have begun to a“dream ”.In ‘,,the Dream will the Dream.The ,in of a “dream ”,are now their eyes to the world. and -up has made the dream of a .China has an new era,and every born in this time feel happy about their good .

1.因此,在中国人民的意识中,中国梦将会取代美国梦:“意识”可译为,其形容词,常用的固定搭配为be of,意思是“意识到…”。“取代”可译为,也可译为。

2.改革开放使中国发展的梦想变为现实:“改革开放”可译为 and -up,这个词组在经济类的文章中经常会出现,大家要重点记忆。

3.中国已经进入了一个新时代,在这个时代出生的每一个中国人都应该为他们的好运而感到高兴:这句话可翻译为and连接的并列句,其中“好运”可译为good 或good luck。


随着世界人口越来越密集( ),空气污染已经成了严重的问题。空气污染主要来源于四个主要的人类活动领域:工业、能源业、交通运输业以及农业。经营工厂,为火车、飞机和公共汽车提供动力都需要能源。几乎所有这些能源都是通过燃烧燃料产生的,这就会造成空气污染。科学家们正在研究能减少环境破坏的新发电方式。增强的公共环保意识使诸如回收利用()等活动产生。


As the world is more and more ,air has a .Air from four major human : ,, and . are to run ,to power , and buses. all of these are by fuels,which would cause air . are new ways of that can be less to the .The has led to the of such as .


2.科学家们正在研究能减少环境破坏的新发电方式: 这个句子可翻译为包含定语从句的句子,new ways是先行词,引导词是that。其中“研究”可用动词study 表示;“发电”可译为 ; “减少环境破坏”即“对环境的破坏更少”可译为be less to 。


中医( )的范畴很广,包括一系列具有相同基本概 念的医学实践。这个概念起源于中国古代,已经历了数千年的发展。中医诊法包 括把脉( the pulse),检查舌头、皮肤、眼睛,以及询问饮食、睡眠习惯和其他方面。中医蕴含的理念及其复杂性向研究中医如何奏效的研究者提出了挑战。这些研究大多数集中在针灸()和中药等特定形式的疗法上。


(TCM) a of which in China and has: over of years. TCM the pulse, the ,skin, eyes and about the and of :the as well as many . TCM’s and on how it works. Most focus on , I and .

在中国,当有客人来访时,泡茶(serve tea)是必不可少的。你可提前询问客人最喜欢喝什么茶以便选用最佳茶具(tea set)来待客。主人在陪伴客人饮茶时,要非常注意茶壶以及客人茶杯中的茶水剩余量。通常,如茶已喝去一半,就要添加茶水,随喝随添,使茶水浓度()不变和温度适宜。在饮茶时也可适当佐以点心、糖果、菜肴等,达到调节口味和缓解饥饿感之功效。


In China,it is to serve tea to .You call ask them about what kind of tea they fancy most in so as to serve them with the most tea set.In the of tea,the host take note of how much water in the and in the cups of the .. water be added after half of the cup has been .and thus the cup is kept so that the tea the same and warm the of tea-., and other may be at tea time to the of the tea and to allay one’s .


1.第一句中,“当有客人来访时”可以译为when there’re ,但比较啰嗦,不如直接译为简练;“泡茶是必不可少的”可用it-句型,其中it作形式主语,可译为it is to…。

2.第二句中,“最喜欢喝什么茶”作“询问”的宾语,可译为what kind of tea they fancy most;“以便”还可译为in order to(do),with the aim of(doing),for the of(doing)。

3.第三句中,“在陪伴客人饮茶时”指的是饮茶的过程,所以译为In the of tea;“茶水剩余量”可译为how much water 。

4.第四句中,“添加茶水”使用被动语态结构,用“茶水”作主语,可译为 water be added;“随喝随添”指的是保持茶杯是满的,所以译为the cup is kept 。

5.第五旬中,“调节口味”指的是用点心、糖果、菜肴等来补充茶的香味,可译为 the of the tea;“缓解饥饿感”可译为allay one’s 。

饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统食品。 相传为古代医圣张仲景发明。饺子的制作是包括: 1) 擀皮、2) 备馅、3) 包馅水煮三个步骤。其特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百食不厌。民间有“好吃不过饺子”的俗语。中国人接亲待客、逢年过节都有包饺子吃的习俗,寓意吉利。对崇尚亲情的中国人来说,“更岁交子”吃饺子,更是欢度除夕、辞旧迎新必不可少的内容。


are one of the ’s . to an , were first made by the saint—Zhang . There are three steps in : 1) make out of flour; 2) the ; 3) make and boil them. With thin and dough skin, fresh and , taste, and , are worth of times. There’s an old that , “ could be more than ”. the and other , or when and , like to the of . To who show high for love, at the the old year is by the new is an part of to the old and in the new year.

: For this part, you are 30 to a from into .



The Great Wall is one of the of the world that by human ! If you come to China the Great Wall, it’s just like going Paris the Tower; or going to Egypt the ! Men often say, “He who doest not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”In fact, it began as walls for when it was first built, and did not the “Great Wall” until the Qin . , the wall we see today, from Pass in the east to Pass in the west, was built the Ming .


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