

You can relax if is not your suit. makes the case that being can be a — in fact, can even be a sign of .


on has on the of . But years of data, Paul and Blake of the of found that the of can be just as to our – as what our minds to .


“The goal of is not the of time, per se. , the goal of is to -. As such, is as as in ,” their study in .


does not mean you need to have all the at hand, it just means you need to hold onto the most . And that means up space in your for the most up-to-date on and . Our do this by new in our , which have the power to that are our -.


“If you’re to the world and your brain is up , that makes it for you to make an ,” told Daily.


If you want to the of new in our brain’s , try . like , power , and have been found to the of in our .


When we the names of and about old jobs, our brain is a that these do not . too much can be a cause for , the lost can be a sign of a . The found that our – by us from too much on minor past . , the brain , us the most gist of a .


“One of the that an where you’re going to want to stuff an where you want to stuff is this of how the is and how are to come back into your life,” said.


If you’re an who meets with a , your brain will that this is a whose name and story you need to . If this is you may never meet again, your brain will weigh that .


We can get for being – when we past in . These show us that total can be . Our are when they aim to the right , not every story.

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