
1. admit to(承认)

– He to a .(他承认犯了一个错误。)

– She to the money.(她最终承认偷了钱。)

2. be to(习惯于)

– I am to up early.(我习惯早起。)

– They are to the cold here.(他们习惯了这里的寒冷天气。)

3. be to(致力于,奉献给)

– She is to the poor.(她致力于帮助穷人。)

– The is to .(这位老师致力于教学。)

4. be equal to(等于,胜任)

– This task is equal to his .(这个任务与他的能力相当。)

– She is equal to the .(她能胜任这个挑战。)

5. be/get used to(习惯于)

– I am used to spicy food.(我习惯吃辣的食物。)

– He gets used to .(他习惯加班。)

6. be to(被迫做……,陷入……境地)

– He was to for food.(他沦落到乞讨食物的地步。)

– The was to .(公司被迫破产。)

7. to(有助于,为……做贡献)

– to good .(经常锻炼有助于身体健康。)

– His hard work to the 's .(他的努力工作为项目的成功做出了贡献。)

8. fall to(开始做)

– The fell to the topic of .(讨论开始转向教育话题。)

– She fell to .(她开始陷入沉思。)

9. get to(抽出时间做;终于去做)

– I will get to that book .(总有一天我会抽出时间读那本书。)

– They got to the car.(他们终于抽出时间修理汽车了。)

10. get down to(着手做(认真考虑))

– Let's get down to .(让我们开始认真做事吧。)

– She got down to for the exam.(她开始认真准备考试。)

11. give up to(献身于,致力于)

– He gave up to the study of .(他全身心地投入到科学研究中。)

– She gave up to art.(她献身于艺术。)

12. keep to(遵守(坚持,坚持……方向))

– We must keep to the rules.(我们必须遵守规则。)

– She kept to her .(她信守了自己的承诺。)

13. lead to(导致(引起,通向))

– can lead to many .(吸烟会导致许多健康问题。)

– This road leads to the city .(这条路通向市中心。)

14. look to(期待;盼望)

– I'm to you again.(我期待再次见到你。)

– They are to the .(他们期待着假期。)

15. to(反对)

– I to your .(我反对你的提议。)

– She to .(她反对加班。)

16. pay to(注意,认真听讲)

– You pay to your .(你应该注意你的书写。)

– We must pay to .(我们必须注意安全。)

17. …to…(两者中)宁愿选择其中之一,更喜欢)

– I tea to .(比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。)

– She to TV.(比起看电视,她更喜欢读书。)

18. seeto(注意(处理,照料等))

– see to it that the work is done .(请务必把工作做好。)

– She will see to the for the .(她会负责会议的安排。)

19. stick to(坚持(忠于等))

– You stick to your .(你应该坚持你的决定。)

– He to his .(他坚守自己的原则。)

20. (养成(做……)的习惯;开始定时(做……))

– She took to in the .(她养成了早上跑步的习惯。)

– They took to chess in their free time.(他们在空闲时间开始下起了棋。)

21. (求助于(依靠,转而从事于))

– When in , we can turn to our for help.(遇到困难时,我们可以向朋友求助。)

– He to to his .(他转而通过写作来表达自己的感情。)

22. when it comes to(当涉及(做)某事的情况、事情或问题时)

– When it comes to , he is very .(当涉及到运动时,他非常热情。)

– When it comes to , she is very .(当涉及到做决定时,她非常谨慎。)

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