感恩节马上就要到了,之所以称之为感恩节,是要让我们跟我们的亲人朋友,以及那些帮助过关心过我们的人表达我们的感激之情,那么你知道2020年感恩节是几月几日吗?今天小编就给大家分享一下2020年感恩节是几月几日 感恩节的由来(双语)。


in 2020 is , 26, 2020.





The of has been back to the of . In 1620, the was with 102 who could not stand the and in the . In the of 1620 and 1621, they and were in and cold. In the past , there were only 50 who . At this time, the kind- sent to the , and sent to teach them how to hunt, fish and grow corn and .


White and have close . In of this year, the corn , the held a , using the roast and corn cakes to treat the . The a party with a of corn , , pie, wild and corn wine pulp. sang and all night long. Later, at the end of after the corn , the white who here will hold a , , corn food, and .


On the first day of , the and . They fired at dawn, into a room used as a , their to God , and then lit a to hold a grand . . , , , and other were held on the and third days. The first was very . Many of these have been for more than 300 years and have been until today.


There is no fixed date for the and it is by the . Until 1863, when the , as a .

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