
“Word,” when used , can be one of the most and words in the . to the word “fuck,” “word” can be used to mean many . It is one of the rare words that can mean exact , on , tone, and body .“Word” is also one of the most words in the , it has so many uses. To tell the it’s many uses, you need to pay to the and of the .


Uses of “Word”非正式用法

1. Word can mean okay or just to that you heard them.

Word 可以表示好的或表示你听到了。

E.g.: “I’ll be there in 5 .”




E.g.: “I’m going to the store, I’ll be back later.”




Note: Here it’s said and .


2. Word can mean cool, like:

Word 可以表示很酷,例如:

E.g.: “I got an A on my test.”




Note: Here it’s used with a more , and it’s a more drawn out..


3. Word can be used in an or way, like yeah, :

Word 可以用于表示被惹恼了或漫不经心,犹如“嗯,随便啦”的用法。

E.g. : “Hey man, you to clean up.”




E.g.: “I’m going to hang out with John ( you don’t like).”




Note: Here it’s used often with the roll of the eyes, and in sound in their voice. It’s also a drawn out..


4. Word can be used to show , like “?”

Word 可以表示不相信,类似于“真的吗?”

E.g.: “Yo, I got a new car.”




5. Word up is also used, but it has a . It can mean I agree with what you’re , with some .

Word up 有时也会用到,但它的意思有些不同。它可以表示“我同意你说的,通常带有一些激动兴奋的热情。”

E.g.: “ !”


“Word up!”


6. To put words in your mouth means to or what you said.

To put words in your mouth表示错误地或不精准地报道你所说的话。

E.g.: “Hey man, that’s not what I said. You’re words in my mouth.”


7. To take the words out of my mouth means I was the exact same thing.

To take the words out of my mouth 表示这正是我想说的。

E.g.: “I was just about to say that! You took the words right out of my mouth.”


8. Word on the is a rumor or piece of that is being about.

Word on the 表示流言蜚语或部分正在被讨论的信息。

E.g.: “Word on the is Chad has a fan club.”


9. Word to the wise is a hint or brief given.

Word to the wise表示明白人不用细说。

E.g.: “Word to the wise, don’t go the in a BMW.”



Less Uses of “Word”稍微正式点word口语用法

10. To give your word means to tell the truth:

To give your word 表示告诉你事实:

E.g.: “Will you be here when I get back? Give me your word.”


11. Don’t take my word for it is to trust what is being said:

Don’t take my word for it 表示相信你所听到的。

E.g.: “ is , but don’t just take my word for it, try it .


12. Keep your word, do what you have .

Keep your word表示信守诺言

E.g.: John gave his word to not eat meat for 30 days.


E.g.: John, you said you would go on a diet for 30 days, keep your word.


13. To have a word is to have a quick , to speak .

To have a word 表示简单的聊几句,快速的对话。

E.g.: “I have some news, can I have a word with you real quick?”


14. In other words, to in a way. In other words is often as i.e.

In other words表示换句话说,通常缩写为ie.

E.g.: “I got drunk at the bar last night, so in other words I’m at my .”


15. Just say the word means I am at your , just tell me when you want to be .

Just say the word 表示我随时为您服务,只要您需要,随时为您效劳。

E.g.: “Would you like some water?”“Not now, maybe later.”“Just say the word.”


16. Word of mouth is when , not the .

Word of mouth 指口口相传,而非通过书面语言。

“ was down word of mouth.”


17. Words fail me / at a loss for words means to be to speak. Often used to or .

Words fail me / at a loss for words 表示无法说话。通常用于表达怀疑、不相信或惊慌。

E.g.: “Words fail me, I don’t know what to say…” or “I can’t he did that, I’m at a loss for words…”


18. In your own words means to say it as you think it.

In your own words 表示按你想的说。

E.g.: In your own words, what does 12 say?


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