科幻大片《阿凡达》已经在1月4日正式引进中国大陆,随之而来的观影热潮前所未有,影片中外星人的语言相信大家必定很好奇,导演詹姆斯卡梅隆为提升《阿凡达》故事真实性,找到语言学家,专为纳美人创造了一种自己的语言。南加州大学的语言学教授Paul 就是那个创造纳美语的人。



The from the of isthe the used by James 's 10-foot- tribe in the much- epic, 。

“Jim 's at was for a that would be able to help him an ,” 。

“At that time, it wasn'teven – it was 880 – but the e-mail was to me and I saw it and on it. I was very about it. Aweek or two later I was in for a talk.” The to that he was the man to for a story the had up a . “I spent a 90- with Jim and at the end of it he shook my hand and said ' ,'” says 。



The pair for four years to the Na'vi 。

The had come up with about words, for the ' names and body parts. But he was to the to give the an but feel。

, it had to be a that could be 。

“This is an alien but it has to be by human ,” 。

“It has to be that human are .”

It is a , with its own and rules。

It says some of 's words had “a “. have that it like or 。


As well as the , the how to speak it。

“I met with each of the seven who use the hand. I them with the , we broke down。

“I also some sound files, MP3 files. I guess some of them them onto their iPods so they could to them at .”


The runs to about a words. It does not have ahuge , but is still at it. He still to his own 。

“I wish I could speak it ,” he says. “As for who point the and such, I think I'm one. I wish that that might not be the case.” In fact, one day, hopes Na'vi will match , as the “gold ” alien . “There's a of into ,” says . “There are clubs that meet all over the world. There are a very group of who meet and try to speak it. “If like this with Na'vi I'd be .”






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